Lots going on this week! Book Fair is taking place all week! Students will have an opportunity to visit and purchase books. 6-8th Christmas Dance is tonight at 5:30. Our PTO Christmas Program is tomorrow at 5:00 in the gym for K-2! Please make sure your K-2 student is here to participate! There will be surprises and you can also visit the book fair with your child at this time. Thursday our ball teams play Calhoun at home @ 6:00.
Christmas dress up week is next week.
Please refer to the school calendar for specific information!
Thank you!!

There will be no after school or tutoring on Thursday, October 5th, due to Carnival.

Happy National Custodian Day to our wonderful janitorial staff! We appreciate all you do!

It's almost Carnival time!! This is always a fun week for our students with lots of activities planned! One of our favorites it the Pumpkin Decorating Contest! We look forward to seeing all the amazing ideas our students create! If you are entering the contest, please register using the QR code on the flyer!

Reminder, next week is Carnival!!! Also, please bring your pumpkins in for our pumpkin contest! You can register your pumpkin online at our website! Thank you!

Flu shot forms will be coming home today. If you would like your child to receive flu shots, the form MUST be turned in by next Thursday, September 28th. Thank you!

Reminder of this weeks activities as we celebrate College and Career Week

Cheer camp.
Pay at the door.

Parents, we have a few extra yearbooks left. If you are interested in purchasing, please contact the school. Thank you!

Concession days from now till the end of the year are as follows:
15th, 16th, 19th, 24th, 25th
Thank you!

Important Reminders:
Spring Fling is tomorrow night!!! Our students have really practiced hard and put a lot of effort into making this a spectacular show! Doors will open at 5:00. Students should be here no later than 5:15 in their designated areas. The show begins at 6:00. Please purchase concessions before the show as they will only be sold until 6:15.
A special thank you in advance to all our teachers for making this show happen! A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Ford, Mr. Woolard, and Mrs. Deloach for creating this performance! Hope to see everyone there!
Also, the last day to turn in summer camp forms is this Friday!

Today is National School Secretary Day!!! We want to say a big thank you to Mrs. Wattenbarger and Mrs. Wade for all they do for our school each and every day. They are an invaluable asset to our school! If you come in contact with them today, let them know how much you appreciate them!

Tomorrow is the day! TCAP testing will begin bright and early! Be sure to be at school by 7:55. We do not need anyone late. Be sure to eat a good breakfast and get a good night sleep! We know our students have worked extra hard this year! We are already proud of you and know you will do amazing! To all 3rd graders and 3rd grade parents, these kids deserve extra praise! They have worked harder than I think I have ever seen a group work before! We love our Rams and know they are going to succeed on their tests, as they always do! Good luck students!!

School Family,
I need to make you aware that there has been an incident in the community, that is in close proximity to the school. This incident has involved police and first responders. This incident has NOTHING to do with any staff or students of Englewood School. I want to assure you that your child is safe and taken care of and our school day will carry on as normal. We take pride in making sure your child is always safe while in our care.

Just a reminder, Friday is the last day to purchase a yearbook.

Reminder, we have our Family Forestry Night at 5:00 for grades 4-8. We have some fun activities planned for this event that students will really enjoy such as painting, building a birdhouse, and planting their own tree! We will also have a guest speaker from TWRA. Please come and bring your child! Refreshments will be provided.

We have had several call asking about strawberry prices. They are $29.00 a flat. Thank you!

Check out what's going on in and around McMinn County Schools for the month of January!
We hope everyone has a happy New Year!

It's School Lunch Hero Day! We love our school lunch crews! Thank you for all you do!

We've got an app for that!! McMinn County Schools is now on the App Store and Google Play Store! App Store Link - https://apple.co/2SBu1f0 -- Google Play Store Link - https://bit.ly/3hbbONz